Since 1998, God has allowed us to serve many individuals of Southeast Nigeria. It all started because of a pair of shoes...
Our story
Dr. Chi Ekwenye Hendricks
A little girl named Chi grew up in southern Nigeria during the Nigerian Civil War (1967-1970), observing first-hand what starvation and homelessness can do in lives of children like herself. She was 8 years old when she received her first pair of shoes, a luxury that most of those around her did not have. She very proudly carried her new treasure to school to share the excitement with her friends, letting each friend take a turn trying on the new shoes. Chi's young tender heart dreamed of one day being able to give every person in her village a new pair of shoes. Click here and listen to Chi tell a portion of that story.
It has always been her goal to be able to reciprocate that blessing, giving back to those who are less fortunate and cannot take care of themselves.
After growing up and gaining a Bachelor degree in education in Nigeria, Chi came to the US. She attended Georgia State University where she received a Masters degree in School Counseling. She then worked for Georgia Agape -- a faith-based social services family agency in Atlanta where she gained valuable experience working with families and children in foster care. She later attended the University of Georgia in Athens -- receiving a PhD in Child and Family Development in 2000. In 1998 and while working on her dissertation in Nigeria, Chi started working for Right Steps, Inc. -- helping establish the program that has now become a beacon of hope for all in that part of Nigeria. She makes several trips to Nigeria each year to oversee and to ensure that the religious goals and objectives of this mission work are maintained.
A quote from David Parker, Elder of the Fairlane Church of Christ --
"We are called to proclaim HIS great salvation and rescue the captives... Chi is serious about Jesus and His command. She has lived it everyday of her life."